Instruments are usually unique items that you have purposely selected and invested in to accompany you for many years and serve important functions in your clinic. RUCK offers you a complete reconditioning and maintenance service for your instruments. In most cases these can be reconditioned up to five times. This includes professional sharpening along with any necessary repairs. The service offer also applies to instruments from other manufacturers at no extra charge. With the service, all blades and cutting edge are grinded, loose joints are carefully rectified and uneven tips are repaired. You will be delighted with the “before and after effect” because function and cutting performance will be as they were at the beginning. The total turnaround time is usually three weeks - a waiting time that is really worth it, because instruments “like new” make work so much easier.
Your instruments are such “hard workers” and therefore deserve all-round care from time to time.
We proceed in three steps:
1. Assessment
Send your instruments to us. Then we first assess whether reconditioning is easy and economically viable. Only in the rarest cases do we recommend that you should purchase a new instrument. Of course, you will be informed of this immediately. In most cases, professional reconditioning is recommended.