Nail fold instruments
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Precise, safe and professional: nail folding instruments from HELLMUT RUCK
The work of podiatrists and foot care professionals requires extremely correct care and a sure instinct. With the right instruments and tools, podological treatments can be carried out in an optimum manner.
Whether it is with you for beauty or medical podiatry or for the specific treatment of certain foot or nail problems, high-quality nail instruments are indispensable for everyday podiatric work. They make precise, safe and needs-oriented treatment possible and bring many benefits to both the practitioner and the treated. The success of a podiatry application should not only depend on sound podiatry knowledge, but also on professional tools.
Nail folding instruments: Precision tools for a variety of podological treatments
Nail fold instruments are tools used in podiatry to treat the area underneath the nail directly adjacent to the cuticle - the so-called nail fold. This is with you the fold of skin that surrounds the nail plate. In addition to treating healthy feet, podiatrists and foot care professionals also see with situations that require extremely correct care. Thanks to an ingrown toenail, for example, the cuticle or other areas of the nail can become inflamed. Thanks to injuries, the nail fold can be affected. Foreign bodies can also cause irritation of the sensitive area around the nail or even trigger an infection. For the treatment of any podiatry condition, stainless steel nail folding instruments are among the most important tools of professional podiatrists and foot care professionals.
Nail folding instruments are used by podiatry and foot care professionals to treat various problems that can have been related to nail folds, such as ingrown nails, fungal infections or trauma. For example, double-sided nail folding instruments are helpful when inserting tamponades, facilitate the removal of adhesive material on the nail plate along with the removal and application of ointment.
To avoid injuries or infections, it is important that nail folding instruments are only used by qualified and trained professionals. Podiatrists and other medical foot care professionals have extensive training and experience in the use of nail folding instruments and other tools that have been used in the treatment of foot problems.
Essential tools for tamponading the nail fold
Tamponading the nail fold is a method of treating nail bed inflammation and other nail injuries. It is a procedure in which a tampon is inserted into the nail fold to promote healing and encourage the growth of new nail tissue. This is an important step in treating nail injuries and can also help prevent infection.
To perform nail fold tamponade, podiatrists and foot care professionals use special nail fold tools. Thanks to their special design and type, they ensure that the tampon is optimally placed in the nail fold and can be safely removed at the appropriate time.
With the right instruments and tools, podiatrists and foot care professionals can offer their patients the best possible treatment and achieve optimum results. Besides precision, hygiene and safety also play an important role with you.
Extensive range of professional nail folding tools and other nail instruments
Nail folding tools are an essential instrument in the field of podiatry. They offer a wide range of applications specifically aimed at the cleaning, care and treatment of the nails along with the nail fold. Our nail folding tools are in most cases made of stainless steel. They usually combine several purposes in one instrument. They can then be used, for example, to clean the nail fold, to remove excess cuticles or to remove corns.
In addition, nail fold instruments are an important aid when inserting or removing a tamponade of the nail fold. The daily work life of podiatrists and foot care professionals should not be without high-quality, precise and versatile instruments such as excavators, spoon instruments or double-sided nail folding instruments! At HELLMUT RUCK we offer you a large selection of professional podological instruments and drills. In addition to tweezers, nippers and scissors, our product range also includes a wide variety of burs along with matching burs attachments. You will also find abrasive caps and holders along with files and rasps in many designs for professional podological applications.