For the best outcomes:
peclavus PODOmed pre- and post-treatment tinctures are both available in two sizes.
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An examination and, if necessary, intensive cleaning of the nail folds are part of every podiatry treatment. Yet it is one of the most difficult and demanding tasks of the podiatrist. Severely involuted nail edges, mycoses, excessive callus formation or corns can lead to severe pain. Therefore, it is important to recognise early signs of such conditions through the nail fold examination and to treat them if necessary. An important part of this early treatment is the nail fold tamponade. You can use it for different purposes before, during and after the treatment.
Two different types of tamponades can be described: the plugging tamponade creates a gentle leverage, which assists during the application of nail braces. This type of tamponade can also be used when a brace is not entirely necessary, i.e. as a preventative treatment. The second, classic variant of the tamponade (the protecting tamponade) is used to protect the nail fold and help carry tinctures and ointments during treatments such as the application of nail braces.
To gently open up the nail fold
Will protect the nail fold
For final positioning of the ends hooks
Tamponading (e.g. with RUCK Nail Fold Tamponade Copoline) is an important component for the successful outcomes of nail correction treatment. It functions to gently open up the fold, to protect against adhesives and, in combination with peclavus PODOmed pre- or post-treatment tincture, to relieve pain and soothe the treated areas. For the application of the braces, it is useful to divide the treatment into 3 stages, however, it always depends on the individual case:
1. First tamponade: for gently opening up the space within the nail folds and with peclavus PODOmed pre-treatment tincture, for softening areas of hard skin.
2. Second tamponade: to protect the nail fold from adhesive residues and to fix the brace after application.
3. Final tamponade: its function is to protect the nail fold whilst the ends of the brace are fixed, and with peclavus PODOmed post-treatment tincture or AntiMYX tincture, to aid with healing.
peclavus PODOmed pre- and post-treatment tinctures are both available in two sizes.
The instruments of choice would be a nail fold instrument or a gouge blade (size No. 1) along with a flat cuticle nipper. Treatment with burs, requires a high level of precision in order to avoid damage to the lateral nail plate. Cleaning is extremely important before applying a brace that is hooked under the edge of the nail. Excess callus may otherwise
make the application of the brace difficult (contra-indicated). Furthermore, it can cause the brace to press into the nail fold and become inflamed or corns to form. After cleaning, tamponades are extremely important.